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Report on 2006

No report for more than seven years? Guess why...
1. False modesty - we will not boast?
2. Laziness - there is nothing to report?
3. Pragmatism - so much to do as we have no time for reporting?

3 is right? - Yes! You may proceed...

Now our report (as in Summer 2006):
In the first floor of Ecole's Haupthaus the Wagenschein Archive was equipped with two suitable rooms: The Wagenschein-Zimmer and the Archivraum.

On one hand the Wagenscheinzimmer is the "livingroom" equipped with Wagenschein's furniture to remind to its former user.
On the other hand it is a clear, friendly workplace available also to our visitors.

Compared with the Wagenscheinzimmer the Archivraum is only functional. No window, the walls covered with shelves, nearly too small for all the material, working table and computer and me - Klaus Kohl. Visitors may only have a glance to it. Similar to the antique Sisyphos I am trying to handle the material in a database (currently Access). More than 10'000 data sets until now, to be on the safe side the numerical space has been widened up to 999'999 (to last for life...).
Each object gets its permanent serial number beside the logo seal. The most important properties are registered, with the possibility for expansion and correction. Imperative is the location where to find it. Thus searches are even now already rather comfortable. At a total beginning ist "catchwording" by which we try to fulfill Wagenschein's order: Sort his notices by themes and groups like "Auftrieb", "Schnittpunkt der Winkelhalbierenden im Dreieck" and so on. I still have no good idea to urge Microsoft©-Access® to do that for a normal user.
Those in 1998 still planned projects - that could not be performed that way. A part (as the new edition of the "Naturkraefte") became a "victim of technical progress" as there is now a much more comfortable (and cheaper!) way to get those publications by download from Internet and for that reason too we have stopped the sale of printed matter (if you are interested, they still are stored and available). Other work as the edition of the exhibition catalog or the edition of later Darmstadt seminar sessions - by lack of time they are suspended.
Besides the database this Homepage offers a lot of possibilities to occupy with. Correcting mistakes, supplementations, sometimes new articles. The newest "feat" is the implementation of the -I hope so- very useful Index of Headwords to the bibliography. Additionally the bibliography is going to be enhanced by the possibility of several downloads.
And as in the meantime Internet and computers are going to become faster and more comfortable, also this homepage might be modernized. Wait and see!

Klaus Kohl

And the report from Wagenscheinzimmer:
may appear when I too will have such a lot of time to write it...

Hannelore Eisenhauer